
10 Best Page Speed Tools to Boost Your WordPress Website in 2024


10 Best Page Speed Tools in 2024

Google's Page Speed Insights:

Because it impacts both the SEO and the user experience of the page, page load speed is important. Google’s Page Speed Insights is one of the website optimization instruments used for analyzing and increasing page speed. Both mobile and desktop versions of websites can be subjected to performance assessments.

This page speed tool for websites generates insightful reports about the possible causes of a slow-loading page. Despite the fact that the results are very technical, they are extremely helpful.

Test the load speed of any webpage. Examine the causes and issues influencing the load times with detailed reports. Provides data from both lab and field sources. While the latter shares performance difficulties, the former collects real-world user experiences. Displays score in an indicator form that comprises technical concerns, upgrades needed, general performance, etc.

SE Ranking:

Do you want to leverage organic search to draw in more users? With the help of a number of useful SEO page speed tools for website optimization, including rank tracking, site audits, on-page inspections, keyword exploration, competition analysis, and link profile overviews, SE Ranking is a sophisticated SEO analysis and advertising platform.

Digital marketers can collect and evaluate website data with the aid of this SEO software, which also simplifies and speeds up the on- and off-page optimization processes on websites. You can do a website inspection using SE Ranking to determine key technical indicators associated with crawling, load speed, accessibility, and security.

Competitive analysis, backlink profile evaluation, on-page SEO audit, keyword rank tracking, and SEO audit reporting. It helps in the identification of keywords, having an excellent chance of ranking based on search traffic, price per click (CPC), complexity score, and paid competitors. Conducts competitive evaluations for both paid and organic campaigns. Carries out thorough backlink profile research and provides insights on link-building opportunities.


Ahrefs is an SEO suite and a page speed tool that includes tools for site inspections, competitor evaluation, building links, and keyword research.

You may track backlinks on any web page, monitor search ranking keywords, analyze your site's link identities, and do much more. One of the best resources for writing and optimizing web pages for search engines and user intent is this tool. SEO analysis, backlink tracking, and keyword research

Examine methods to rank keywords in relation to their difficulty degree, volume of searches, value, and other characteristics. Conduct audits of websites to identify technical problems and analyze backlink profiles to improve page performance.

Supports the Google, YouTube, and Amazon keyword study processes. Monitor the most successful websites and pages for a specific term.


With the page speed tools use of behaviorally-based site optimization software like Hotjar, you can see how users interact with your pages. It offers a wide range of tools, such as clickstream analytics, heatmaps, and session recordings, to help visualize how users behave on the website in question.

To better understand the issues visitors are having with your website and make improvements to enhance their experience, you may combine statistical survey results with qualitative input.

Utilize click data, session reruns, and heatmaps to trace the routes that visitors travel on your website. Feature Gather information from every click, scroll, and webpage interaction. Session recordings may be used to identify page problems and visualize user behavior. Provides an easy-to-use visual designer for creating targeted surveys and gathering input. Build a customized feedback widget and put it on the site in order to promote uninvited comments. Complete data analytics for looking at the data in one location. 

Screaming Frog:

One of the greatest tools for website page speed tools is Screaming Frog, which can be used for both website architectural analysis and on-site SEO audits. This crawler tool is capable of helping track improper redirections, uncover duplicate content and invalid meta tags, analyze sitemaps, identify anomalies, and much more.

Additionally, the tool provides recommendations on how to fix technical issues to improve the site's SEO. Perform quick SEO audits of your online presence.

Look for broken links, check metadata, identify duplicate material, and audit page redirects. To make your online presence more optimized, create sitemaps using XML and visualize the site architecture. At appropriate intervals, schedule regular site audits. Connect the Search Console and Google Analytics to keep track of the success of your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Google Search Console:

A collection of page speed tools called Google Search Console makes it easier to track and diagnose the functionality of your website in search engine results. It is a set of tools for monitoring search terms, traffic to the website, search engine ranking, crawl data, and additional metrics to help with website optimization.

The best thing is that it offers full details on the site's visibility on the SERPs and is completely free for users to utilize. Web developers, SEO experts, and entrepreneurs use it to learn how Google views their websites.

Perform a keyword analysis using search terms. Utilise metrics such as total clicks, total perceptions, average CTR, and median rank to monitor the performance of the website report. Verify whether Google has indexed your pages or not. Manually submit your website's sitemap and webpages to Google for indexing. Monitor backlinks going to your web page and look for methods to get more links.

Google Analytics:

You can use metrics and numbers from Google Analytics to assess the success of your site optimization approach. For SEO and marketing purposes, it offers statistical and analytical data regarding the website's performance. Page views, sources of information, content that performs well, and other indicators can all be tracked on time charts to observe variations in engagement with visitors and page rankings.

You may quickly get an overview of the website's essential features by looking at the data, which is shown statistically. Detailed reports of the on-site rate of conversion, bounce rate, duration on the page, page visits, and other information. Utilizing analytical data, monitor advertising operations, and determine what is effective. Create audience reports to track geolocation and demographic information. Provides flow visualization reports to map consumer journeys on the website in question. To get the insights you require, create bespoke reports by applying filters. To stay informed, set alerts for unexpected shifts in traffic or goals.


Another testing page speed tool to make our list of the top web optimization tools is VWO. Its ability to experiment with the finished stack allows you to do server-side and client-side testing.

Additionally, it provides a variety of behavior analysis tools, such as heatmaps, session audio recordings, and surveys, to assist you in developing hypothesis testing and collecting user input.

VWO is an ideal website optimization tool because it enables users to initiate a continuous testing program by conducting several tests at once. Conduct multivariate, A/B, and split URL testing on your website. Offers session replays, heatmaps, on-page polls, and form analytics to gather data in real-time. Analyze your funnel to find visitor points of departure and improve conversion rates. Create test versions quickly by using the user-friendly builder. Additionally, users can create and test different widgets, such as banners and pop-ups. It also includes a powerful HTML/CSS editor for template customization.


UserTesting is the best option if you're looking for a website page speed tool that can be used for testing during development. The program may assist you in creating simple to intricate usability tests that improve the navigation menus, site architecture, and other components.

In order to get real-time insights, you can watch the beta users as they use your website. You can even arrange one-on-one interviews to ask further inquiries.

Use it for market research, testing for usability, screen recording feedback, in-person interviews, and remote interviews.

Add tests from the audience you want to test (My Panel area) or use the Participant Panel offered by UserTesting. Allows for the recording of the screen and audio to gather user input while the test is ongoing. Conduct usability tests on your online presence, mobile app, and product without having to code anything. Create a variety of tests, such as the card sorting exam, discovery test, initial reaction test, benchmarking test, tree examination, five-second test, and navigation test. Cut, edit, and combine the video recordings with the objective of examining user responses from various angles. Include screening questions to remove participants who don't belong. Pinpoint visitors’ concerns, improve the page's content, establish A/B testing theories, and optimize the website’s structure. Provides ready-to-use test designs that you can personalize. 

10. GTmetrix

GTmetrix is a web performance testing tool designed to analyze and optimize the speed of websites. Providing a comprehensive assessment of a website's performance, GTmetrix measures key metrics such as page load time, time to the first byte (TTFB), and fully loaded time. It assigns performance scores based on Google's PageSpeed Insights and YSlow, offering actionable insights into how well a website adheres to best practices for web performance.

The tool generates a waterfall chart, breaking down the loading process of each page element and identifying resource-heavy components. GTmetrix offers recommendations for optimization, covering areas such as image optimization, browser caching, and file minimization. Users can access historical data to track changes in performance over time and can test their website's performance from different geographic locations.

With separate reports for desktop and mobile performance, GTmetrix acknowledges the importance of optimizing for various devices. The tool also offers API access for automated testing and reporting. While a free version is available, premium plans provide additional features such as faster test times and more test locations, making GTmetrix a valuable resource for website owners, developers, and SEO professionals striving to enhance user experience and search engine rankings.


A tool for website optimization, Google Page Performance Insights helps assess and improve page efficiency, which has an impact on user experience and search engine optimization. In addition to gathering information from field and laboratory sources, it offers comprehensive assessments of the possible reasons why pages load slowly. Digital marketers may gather and assess website data with SE Ranking, an advanced SEO analysis and marketing platform. It has tools for researching keywords, building links, evaluating competitors, and inspecting sites. With the use of features like clickstream analytics, heatmaps, and session recordings, Hotjar, a behaviorally-based site optimization tool, allows users to gain insight into how they interact with a website. A crawler program called Screaming Frog is useful for monitoring incorrect redirections, redundant material, and erroneous meta tags.

A set of tools for monitoring keyword searches, traffic, crawl data, search engine ranking, and other information is called Google Search Console. Google Analytics offers statistical and quantitative information about the functionality of a website, enabling users to monitor content, sources of information, page views, and other metrics.

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